The Dealer’s Room at Anime USA hosts on average over 50 vendors from around the country, selling merchandise from DVDs and manga, to officially licensed toys and wall scrolls, CDs and music, Japanese clothing and snacks, and board and TTRPG games.  Our dealer’s hall is in a central location at the heart of the convention, and is a highlight for many of our members every year.

If you are interested in becoming a vendor at Anime USA for 2025, please consult the FAQ below and contact dealers@animeusa.org or submit your info to the digital application here.


We will be returning to the Hyatt Regency Crystal City (2799 Richmond Hwy, Arlington, VA 22202) from October 10 – 12, 2025.  We expect the Dealer’s Room to return to the Independence Level location, where it was in 2024.

(Open 1/2 hour early for Staff and Sponsor Badges, Thursday setup hours are TBD)

Friday: 1:30 PM – 8 PM
Saturday: 10:00 AM – 7 PM
Sunday: 10:00 AM – 3 PM

Only items licensed in the US or imports will be sold in the dealer room. No bootlegs will be allowed, or AI generated art products.  Failure to comply, or a subsequent violation, will result in immediate expulsion from the convention and forfeiture of convention badges with no possibility of a refund for payment for spaces in the dealer room.  Fan art will be restricted to the Artists Alley — please see the Artist’s Alley application instead.  Other items with restrictions as dictated by the Commonwealth of Virginia and our organization are itemized in the Dealer’s Room contract in full, including restrictions on certain Weapons and Adult Material (18+).

Each dealer space is 8’x10’, with a purchase limit of four spaces per dealer.  Dealers may not resell spaces.  Each dealer will be provided with one 6 foot table and one chair per space that they may position as desired in their space(s), as long as it does not interfere with other dealers or violate fire codes.  Limited electricity is available, and two Dealer badges will be provided per applicant, with the option to purchase more at a discounted rate as needed for your business.

Dealers will be responsible for obtaining any tax identification numbers and paying all taxes, license fees, and any charges that will come due to any governmental authority in connection with their activity at Anime USA 2025. According to the VA tax office, participants in a convention
are liable for sales tax on taxable sales and must file a Form ST-50.


For any questions or concerns please contact the Commonwealth of Virginia Dept of Taxation:
  • By web: https://www.tax.virginia.gov/
  • By phone: (804) 367-8037
  • By Mail:  Virginia Department of Taxation, PO Box 26627, Richmond, VA. 23261-6627.

(per space prices; additional charges may apply for Credit Card or Paypal purchases)

  • Before May 1st:  $425
  • May 1st through July 31st:  $475
  • After July 31st:  $525

Anime USA’s Dealer’s Room applications are juried, and accepted on a rolling basis.  Once registration has opened you may submit your merchant information via email to the Dealer’s Room Coordinator (dealers@animeusa.org). Include in your reservation email: 


  • Name
  • Merchant (or group) name
  • Number of personnel
  • Number of spaces desired (4 maximum)
  • Merchandise list
  • Website (If no website is available, see coordinator for further information)
  • Your selections as to if you require an electrical connection or an internet connection (See Dealer Registration).
  • Number of desired tables in your space(s), one 6’ table and one chair per space is provided, additional tables can be rented (See Spaces and Price).


You can also submit an application via the web form (https://forms.gle/iwY4xmbeRYeEYbhb8) on AnimeUSA.org.


Anime USA will contact all dealers via email to inform them of their decision. Anime USA reserves the right to reject a request from dealers selling merchandise for which we already have sufficient dealers. Once space availability and reservation is confirmed, submit a signed Dealer’s Room Contract (see below) with payment to the address provided within the confirmation email.

If accepted, the Dealers Room Department Head will hold your reservation for three weeks. If payment is not made within three weeks, your reservation will be canceled, and the space(s) will be made available to others.