Convention Policies

We want you to enjoy your time at Anime USA.  While visiting us this year, we must insist that you follow all rules and instruction as dictated by Anime USA, the Hyatt Regency Crystal City, Arlington, VA., and also all of the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia and the United States of America.  Key policies and procedures are listed below, and more specific questions can be answered by staffers at the Information Desk, Public Safety, and Con Ops.


For our out-of-town visitors: Welcome to Virginia! Please keep in mind that this area, and its proximity to the nation’s capital, has strict ordinances and laws regarding firearms and other weapons.  Please err on the side of caution.


This policy is not a summary of the laws, nor does this policy constitute legal advice.  You are solely responsible for the understanding and complying with all applicable laws. 


Please click on the policy section you wish to view:

We love cosplay, and we love all the ways that fashion and clothing can be a representation of who we are. We fully support self expression and the love for everything textile!


Our dress code policy for most events (there are certain events like the Formal Ball that have more restrictive policies) firstly follow the Hotel rules.


Because we have a great relationship with our host hotel, we can say that if you can wear it at a family-oriented beach venue, you can wear it at Anime USA.


Our safety team is here to help too, if you have any concerns over your clothing at the show, be sure to stop by the safety desk and they can give you pointers on how to express yourself and stay within the hotel and convention general policy.


As always, like our weapons and prop policy, we reserve the right to make a determination if any piece of clothing, props, accessories, or apparati, is dangerous or negatively disruptive. If you are found to be outside of our guidelines you may be asked to alter or change your clothing.

Anime USA will have no tolerance for harassment of any kind during the convention.  If you are observed harassing other members, you will be removed from the convention by Public Safety.  Should you at any time feel harassed or have a concern about the way your, or someone else is being treated, please inform a public safety staffer at once.  Staffers will be at the Information Desk, and Public Safety, and are available to address these issues at any time.

Owners of permitted props and prop weapons, use and carry them at their own risk and assume all risks of liability to and from anyone injured or otherwise harmed directly or indirectly by the owner’s action or inaction.  Anime USA shall not be liable for any injury, harm, damage, or other liability associated with any person’s use of any weapon (permitted or banned), any prop, or costume during the course of the Anime USA convention weekend.


Live steel is not permitted at Anime USA – this includes any metal object that has not been sharpened. Actual metal swords are not permitted at the show; however any that are made out of wood or plastic is allowed.  Swords must also never be waved around or wielded, but they can be used for still posing for photographs.


Bows: Toy, or otherwise wooden or plastic bows can sometimes be okay, but professional or compound bows are not. Equipping an arrow to a bow is absolutely never acceptable, even for photos. Arrows must not have any metal in them at all.


Guns: Realistic looking guns are only allowed if they have a very bright, obvious orange tip that shows they are non-working. Guns must also be non-projectile, that means they cannot have the ability to fire an object. Guns that actually work, or have the potential to work, or might be mistaken by the public as real, are not allowed. Toy or fantasy guns that are “obviously fake” are allowed.


Large Props: Large props are generally okay, if you are extremely mindful of them. However if we find that we have large crowds, or if they become a problem, we may ask you to return them to your hotel room or car at any time. Please also be aware that some of the hotel ceilings are just below 7 feet tall – be extremely careful when traversing these areas with larger props.  We will not store any props for you, so make sure you have a storage solution.


You may not carry or possess any working weapon, openly or concealed, AT ANY TIME around convention spaces.  Working weapons, firearms (including antique weapons and firearms), and all forms of live ammunition are strictly forbidden.  Even items that may be legal to carry such as small knives or stun guns are not welcome at Anime USA.


All carried prop weapons are subject to examination at any time by Anime USA Staff. Anime USA Staff is not liable for any damage to prop weapons during inspection.  If you are found using any weapon, prop, or weapon-like object in an unsafe manner, Anime USA reserves the right to expel you from the convention. Any weapons purchase from the Dealer Room must be boxed and removed from convention space immediately and must remain boxed and stored in your private quarters (hotel room, car, etc.) for the duration of Anime USA.


Any weapons may be disallowed at any time at the discretion of Anime USA con staff.

Always ask before taking a picture.


Please move to the sides of hallways and away from elevators, escalators, and stairs, so that others may continue to move past.  Flash photography in programming or events spaces, or any photography in the Dealers Room and Art Show, is not permitted.


The setup and usage of professional photography equipment may not be permitted in certain areas of the Hyatt Regency Crystal City.  Please be respectful of hotel staff requests when taking photos in certain areas.

Anime USA and the Hyatt Regency Crystal City Hotel reserve the right to determine the appropriateness of any sign or display within the confines of the hotel and convention space. Any sign or display deemed by Anime USA or Hotel staff to be detrimental to the image of the convention or the hotel or disruptive to the operation of either will need to be removed immediately. All decisions regarding signs or displays are final. This policy applies to all types of signs or displays, regardless of material or method of construction.


Signs and displays that are posted in specific function areas of the convention spaces will need approval from an Anime USA executive staff member. This includes promotional materials and flyers.


As a general guideline, no other displays or signs are permitted with the exception of signs which are an established part of a character’s persona or cosplay. Signs or displays containing offensive content are not permitted, regardless of whether they are “in character” or not. Solicitation using signs is not permitted. Solicitation includes, but is not limited to: asking or offering food, money, hugs, kisses, “glomps”, or any sort of sexual favor, free or otherwise.


Signs in violation of the Anime USA Sign and Display Policy will be subject to immediate confiscation by the Anime USA Staff. Repeat offenders may be subject to expulsion and loss of membership privileges without possibility of refund or compensation.


The display or sale of adult media or merchandise to anyone under the age of 18 will not be tolerated. Adult media or merchandise must be covered and photo identification must be checked at the time of perusal and/or purchase in all cases. Under no circumstances shall adult material be in plain view of minors. Adult media and merchandise must be sold in accordance with the laws of both the District of Columbia and Federal Government.  Members of the Anime USA staff will be checking this during setup and throughout the weekend. Failure to comply after the first warning will result in the loss of the right to display or sell adult material for the remainder of the convention.

You must wear your membership badges at all times to be admitted to any convention function.  All membership sales are final. Be prepared to show your badge at all times within the convention space, and have it clearly visible.


Possession of alcoholic beverages in the convention space by anyone under 21 years of age (it’s the law) is ground for expulsion from the convention without refund.  Anything illegal outside the convention is illegal inside the convention.


Anime USA does not tolerate any sort of disruptive or dangerous behavior.  Fighting (fake or real), instigating, impeding traffic flow, offensive behavior, failure to observe basic hygiene, public inebriation or similar intoxication, and any other problematic behavior is prohibited at Anime USA.


Anime USA prohibits sleeping in public areas.


Please do not abuse our hotel or convention facilities.  This includes any vandalizing and damages. Please wear appropriate clothing in the common areas.

Anime USA is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged property or for injuries sustained during the course of the convention.  As a courtesy Anime USA operates a “Lost and Found” during the course of the convention; it’s located at the Information Desk. The hotel also has a “Lost and Found” at the front check-in counter.


Announced events and guests are subject to change and/or cancellation without notice.  Every effort will be made to announce any change via the internet, social media, and publications, but sometimes last-minute changes do occur.


We reserve the right to ask you to leave the convention and refuse to refund your membership money for any of the reasons stated in these policy and rules sections.  If it is determined that you have done something sufficiently heinous not stated in the policies; we still reserve the same rights.

While Anime USA is a family friendly convention, there are some events that are designed for a more mature audience.  For these events and activities, we have issued a wristband policy. Members must have a wristband in order to attend an 18+ event.  To obtain an 18+ wristband, you will need to have your age verified at the ID Check Desk located by Registration. You will need to present your Membership Badge and your ID.  The only IDs that will be accepted as proof of your age must be a Government Issued Photo ID; such as a Driver’s License, Passport, or State Issued ID Card, that clearly shows your date of birth.